Welcome to the Bachmann Booth
Recording of Live Video One
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Chat History
Jon M - 04-17-2021 04:03
In the past, Bachmann has been very good to us N scale C&O modelers... any chance of more N scale C&O transition era items coming, especially steam locomotives?
- 04-17-2021 04:04
Hello, everyone. Where are you joining us from? Feel free to check out our pre-recorded videos and check out our online catalog. Drop a chat here if you have any questions for us!
Seanrail - 04-17-2021 04:05
will one of the bachmann Thomas Narrow Gauge brake vans be based on talyllyn railway brake van no. 5?
- 04-17-2021 04:06
Hi Seanrail, we have no definitive plans for what our future Thomas & Friends products will be. Stay tuned!
Supertrain - 04-17-2021 04:07
Lakeville Minnesota
TonyZ - 04-17-2021 04:07
Any chance Williams will have a Siemens ACS-64 offering. Septa, perhaps?
Jon M - 04-17-2021 04:07
Super iconic C&O engine: H-8 Allegheny 2-6-6-6! Could also be lettered for Virginian :)
TonyZ - 04-17-2021 04:08
Thank you, understood. Keep up the good work
Jon M - 04-17-2021 04:08
Wheatie - 04-17-2021 04:08
Do you have replacement gears for older HO engines?
- 04-17-2021 04:09
Hi Wheatie, here's our contact information for our parts department. estore.bachmanntrains.com. Email us at parts@bachmanntrains.com, or give us a call at 215-533-1600, ext. 727 (Mon-Fri 9-4 EDT)
Wheatie - 04-17-2021 04:10
Is the Bachman large scale the same scale as "Garden"?
Wheatie - 04-17-2021 04:11
What is the best software to use for designing an EZ-Track layout
Randy - 04-17-2021 04:11
I have cars from multiple manufacturers and they have different couplers on them that don't always match up. Which coupler system do you recommend I replace all mine with?
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 04:12
I've been getting product announcement emails from Bachmann for about 1.5 years now and I have yet to see any content about G gauge. Could you please explain why this is so ?
- 04-17-2021 04:13
Hi Dave, we have more announcements in N and HO scales because they are our most popular items. We're working to expand our G scale lineup, and more announcements will come subsequently.
trainguy45 - 04-17-2021 04:14
do you know when we will get pictures of bachmann daisy?
- 04-17-2021 04:16
Hi Trainguy45, we hope to have a sample soon! We'll show it off as soon as we can.
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 04:16
Thanks for your replies... I read the product emails all pretty much end to end and it makes me feel like G gauge (which has been struggling in hobby shops here in Canada - no one here in Vancouver has much of any selection any more ) needs positive vendor support.
Larry Harrington - Bachmann - 04-17-2021 04:19
Dave J, you have to tell your vendors to carry more. If they hear it often they will start listening.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:21
What set would you recommend in HO to get started? I have an 8x16' area that I can use. Thank you. Sorry for such a basic beginner question! Thanks for doing this!
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:24
Thank you very much!
pedro - 04-17-2021 04:26
hello g scale emmitt kelly,would you know how many different cars they made
Rwc4400 - 04-17-2021 04:26
I would love to see Bachmann come out with the PRR GE E44. The trucks and frame for your E33 are exactly the same.
JordanK4501 - 04-17-2021 04:26
Is there any chance of doing the Baldwin modern 4-4-0 with TCS wowsounds?
Restoman - 04-17-2021 04:27
I restore older trains, some include older Williams engines,. Do you guys still carry parts for any older products?
pedro - 04-17-2021 04:27
ok ty
JordanK4501 - 04-17-2021 04:28
Okay thank you!
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:28
What about some new cars — diner, coaches — for the B&O smoothside cars in HO?
Restoman - 04-17-2021 04:29
Thank you!
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:29
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 04:30
I'm on the working committee for the new Garden Railroad Newsletter ( grnews.org ) that has was created by a coalition of 15 to 20 west coast Garden Railroad clubs and has now grown to have 120 member clubs nationwide and 8,000 members reading each issue ( #3 is due out soon). We have 45 advertisers signed up including LGB America, Bridgewerks, NGRC, etc. We would love to have Bachmann join us as an active participant - to share your products. Is Bachmann aware of us and do you know if its being considered ?
- 04-17-2021 04:30
Hi Dave J, please email more information to info@bachmanntrains.com
Sofiya Valyuk - 04-17-2021 04:30
hello! I'm Sofiya from Florida. Can I buy here some train models? or where I can buy it? Do you have your site?
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:30
Question about the new HO GE 44-ton w/ DCC & Sound: metal gears instead of plastic? (I HOPE!)
- 04-17-2021 04:31
Hi Sofia, here is our retailer locator: https://www.bachmanntrains.com/bm/locator
- 04-17-2021 04:31
*Sofiya. Sorry about that
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:32
Thunder Chief looks like a really good started set and it is DCC so I can plan for longer term. Is there an expansion track set for Thunder Chief and where do you folks find good track layouts. Sorry for beginner questions and thank you!
Apple Napkin - 04-17-2021 04:32
Sofiya Valyuk - 04-17-2021 04:32
Thank you!
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 04:33
Ok thank you. Do you have a direct email to your marketing folks who handle media advertising placement, so I can reach out to directly ?
- 04-17-2021 04:33
Hi Dave, info@bachmanntrains.com is monitored by our marketing department directly.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:33
Thank you very much. Link would be great to have.
Engineer Shimmer - 04-17-2021 04:34
Dave J - BC Canada - 04-17-2021 04:34
Thanks will do.
- 04-17-2021 04:34
Hi Tom, our track-planning book is currently sold out. Sorry about that. I will look to see if a restock date is set.
Engineer Shimmer - 04-17-2021 04:34
not yet
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:35
Pls see my question above about the HO newly announced GE 44-ton loco w/ DCC and Sound.
ConductorCody - 04-17-2021 04:35
Hey Bachmann, I enjoy seeing your work in all your scales! My fav is O gauge, so I was wondering if there's any new developments with your Williams Trains line?
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:35
Hello Moderator. There is so much great information with the two live videos. Will the video that's on the right screen right now be available later? Thank you.
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:36
Metal gears instead of plastic?
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:36
Metal gears in it?
- 04-17-2021 04:37
Tom, our track-planning book is due to be back in stock in early June. Here's the link https://shop.bachmanntrains.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=879_604_782_784&products_id=2545&zenid=s1pfkgbkolp3agvvj2qocnlg44
JHF - 04-17-2021 04:37
- 04-17-2021 04:37
Tom, these videos should be archived and available in May.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:37
Thank you for the track planning link and the videos.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:39
Hello Moderator. The track planning book is sold out. Do these come back in stock pretty regularly? Thank you.
- 04-17-2021 04:39
It is due back in stock in early June of this year.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:43
Thank you on the back in stock.
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:44
I know there have been many improvements to making mountains and tunnels and the old days where I used very heavy plaster has been replaced by something called plaster tape I think. What do you recommend that I should look at? And thanks a lot this is REALLY helpful!
Mmount - 04-17-2021 04:49
Any info on the S70 Siemens release date?
Tom - 04-17-2021 04:50
Thanks, Larry. That gives me a good idea of how to approach it! Also, thanks for saying that the catalog can be downloaded.
barry - 04-17-2021 04:52
do you sell parts to your ho cars. i lost few of the plugs that fasten the trucks to the body.
barry - 04-17-2021 04:53
ok thank you
Larry Harrington - Bachmann - 04-17-2021 04:54
Randy Hein - 04-17-2021 05:00
Any plans to upgrade the N-scale Santa Fe Northern?
Tom - 04-17-2021 05:01
Larry, once the track planning book is back in stock in June, how are track elevations handled? Is this hard to learn how to do? Thank you again.
John - 04-17-2021 05:02
Are you answering general how-to questions?
Randy Hein - 04-17-2021 05:03
Thanks Larry.
Mmount - 04-17-2021 05:03
Sorry I lost the stream for a few minutes was my question about the Siemens S70 answered? Thank you.
Tom - 04-17-2021 05:03
Thank you.
- 04-17-2021 05:05
Mmount, we mentioned that we haven't started the project yet. We do one Siemens project at a time. First the SC-44, now the ALC-42. We'll give more updates as we have them.
Mmount - 04-17-2021 05:06
Ok thank you
JordanK4501 - 04-17-2021 05:07
Would you ever consider doing a tier 4 SD70 in Ho scale?
- 04-17-2021 05:07
Thank you for joining us! We will resume answering any questions you have in just a few minutes. Leave them in the chat, and we'll pick up with them as soon as possible!
- 04-17-2021 05:10
Be sure to check out our second video feed, where Dave Melville is walking us through some of our newest arrivals.
Dan Miller - 04-17-2021 05:14
I’m looking into jumping into the hobby. Would you recommend starting with DC or is it okay to jump right to DCC?
John - 04-17-2021 05:14
Just getting back into it and trying to go bigger than before. HO Concerns about power and engines pulling capacity. I know the condition of the engines have a lot to do with this. How powerful of transformers are available? Most of mine are old and are 12 - 18 v output. Does it make sense to run wires from the transformer to two different terminal tracks? (1/2 way round) Is there a specific gauge of wire that I should be using?
sbaker - 04-17-2021 05:15
I have Minitrix 4-6-2 N scale steam loco. It was running rough so I tried to clean the brushes and it broke. I need to buy a new motor it is square shaped. Can you help me
David - 04-17-2021 05:16
What Gauge wire is a good choice for wiring an 8' x 6' HO layout?
John - 04-17-2021 05:17
If I use two locomotives at once to pull a heavier load do they have to be from the same manufacturer? Is it possible that they would work against each other?
John - 04-17-2021 05:22
Do you still make "Williams by Bachmann"?
train fan 69 - 04-17-2021 05:24
when will you make diesel 10
John - 04-17-2021 05:25
Is it ok to mix brass and nickel silver track? What is the longest configuration of wheels on a steam engine that will negotiate 18' radius curves?
- 04-17-2021 05:25
Trainfan, No plans to make Diesel 10 right now.
Randy Hein - 04-17-2021 05:27
Was there a reason why traction tires weren't put on the New York Central Hudson? The pulling power on mine is disappointing. Any plans for a Dreyfuss streamlined version?
train fan 69 - 04-17-2021 05:29
when will you make g scale duck
- 04-17-2021 05:29
Trainfan, No plans to make G scale Duck right now.
John - 04-17-2021 05:31
Large Scale Supporter - 04-17-2021 05:34
Watched the Booth Tour. When will the Dash 9 locomotives be available? What consists are planned for the Dash 9?
train fan 69 - 04-17-2021 05:41
jaf450 - 04-17-2021 05:42
Can you describe any new products coming for O scale?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 05:42
any Logging locomotives for HO in the future? (Shay ,Heissler)
- 04-17-2021 05:44
Keep the questions coming! We'll get back to answering them in a few short minutes.
Joe323 - 04-17-2021 05:49
When are the GE 44 ton Sound Value Locomotives Coming out?
jaf450 - 04-17-2021 05:49
Thank you
Joe323 - 04-17-2021 05:52
Thank you
Bob - 04-17-2021 05:52
Any Shay lumber locos?
John R - 04-17-2021 05:52
have you seen any covid uptick in model railroading?
John R - 04-17-2021 05:53
more interest
Joe F - 04-17-2021 05:55
hello from Pittsburgh
Joe D - 04-17-2021 05:56
Hi Larry. Thoughts on which scales will be most popular going forward?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 05:57
Any new steam locos in the future ?
nickc - 04-17-2021 05:58
Hi is they're books for models?
- 04-17-2021 05:59
Hi Nick, in terms of what we sell? We do have a product catalog and books on how to create layouts, depending on what you're looking for.
nickc - 04-17-2021 05:59
Thank you
Joe D - 04-17-2021 05:59
Thanks Larry
hgottfried - 04-17-2021 05:59
Do you make a engine similar to S4 engine
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:00
Are diesels more popular selling then steam now
B Kolya - 04-17-2021 06:04
I am building an ho scale transcontinental railroad layout at home. I have really nice HO scale 50' Pullman Old Time Union Pacific and Central Pacific overland cars made by Roundhouse Products, today known as Model Die Casting Inc.
B Kolya - 04-17-2021 06:07
Therefore, I am very interested in and looking to soon someday buy your HO Scale Union Pacific and Central Pacific All New Tooling American Type 4-4-0s.
nickc - 04-17-2021 06:11
Do you have plans for the EMD F40PH?
- 04-17-2021 06:32
**Welcome to Bachmann's WGH Online booth! We will begin in a few short seconds. Be sure to submit your questions in this chat form!**
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 06:32
How close are we to getting a production sample of the Thomas and Friends Peter Sam model? Maybe a couple months? Weeks?
nickc - 04-17-2021 06:33
Do you have plans for the F40PH?
markf6 - 04-17-2021 06:34
Will you be doing the Charger locos in N-Scale?
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 06:36
Are there plans for any other future characters in that range?
- 04-17-2021 06:37
Hi NickC, no plans for that model at this time. I will pass your suggestion along to the appropriate people. Thanks!
- 04-17-2021 06:37
PlaybyPlay, we have no further updates on Peter Sam at this time. We will share photos once we have a sample. We have no further plans for new products at this time beyond what we announced in our catalog.
- 04-17-2021 06:38
MarkF, no plans for the N scale Charger at this moment. Stay tuned for our mid-year product releases, due out around Mid-July.
- 04-17-2021 06:39
**Welcome, everyone!** Our live videos will begin soon. Submit your questions here and we'll answer them as soon as possible!
Nick C kid - 04-17-2021 06:40
Plans for shirts with your loco?
- 04-17-2021 06:41
Hi NickC kid, We have no plans for that at the moment.
Teddy - 04-17-2021 06:41
Tell us about the new 4-6-0 in g scale
- 04-17-2021 06:42
Hi Teddy, you can click the link below to check out our catalog entry for the new 4-6-0. We hope to have it in stock around early June of this year.
noodle - 04-17-2021 06:43
Didnt realize bachman had O trains . Had alot of bachman ho stuff in the eighties.Isnt williams part of bachman?
Teddy - 04-17-2021 06:43
any photos of the actual Rio Grande paint schemes
Charles Sloane - 04-17-2021 06:46
Are there additional G Gauge trains in 1:29 scale like the Peter Witt streetcar (or plans for)?
noodle - 04-17-2021 06:47
Can I purchase products from your website.Can you talk about the sound system on your O scale if you have one. thanks
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 06:48
Would Bachmann ever consider going a narrow gauge G-scale Thomas and Friends range? Presumably on O-gauge track. Also, if you did, would it be 2-rail, like most overseas O-gauge, or 3-rail, like most US O-gauge?
Teddy - 04-17-2021 06:48
any plans for new schemes-such as D&RGW #168 running at Cumbres & Toltec or RGS 20 just restored at Zcolorsdo Railroad Museum?
Charles Sloane - 04-17-2021 06:48
PaulZ - 04-17-2021 06:48
Is the DCC turnout controller only for a single turnout or will it control all turnouts.
- 04-17-2021 06:48
Noodle, you can buy all of our products at shop.bachmanntrains.com.
NS6770Fan - 04-17-2021 06:54
Would Bachmann consider updating the ES44AC tooling to have higher detail, separate grab irons, PTC, and more? These models have great potential but seem a bit behind in detail.
smalltimecruiser100 - 04-17-2021 06:57
Does Bachmann have insulated rail joiners . I have a DC setup
- 04-17-2021 06:57
**To those of you joining us, welcome!** Larry Harrington is on our first video feed showing off some of our newest products. Dave Melville is answering your questions. Submit them here!
Ryan124 - 04-17-2021 06:58
Do you think you will make more of the Ringling Bros and like the wagons and elephant car pie car
- 04-17-2021 06:59
Hi Ryan, no plans for further RBBB stock at this time. Stay tune for further announcements in later catalogs.
Ryan124 - 04-17-2021 07:03
thank you I worked to RBBB I just trying to make the car look like when I was on the train . The RBBB diesel set is it easy to add lights inside the passenger car
john - Seattle - 04-17-2021 07:03
hi question. Does bachmann have plans for more n scale passenger. particularly a full dome again
john - Seattle - 04-17-2021 07:05
Thank you...would love to see ATSF, GN , and Amtrak
NS6770Fan - 04-17-2021 07:06
Are any more "super detailed" models like the SC44 and ACS64 planned? Also, will models such as these be marketed with DCC ready capabilities in the future?
NS6770Fan - 04-17-2021 07:09
If DCC ready models could not be produced, is there a possibility of a "custom order" to have a model delivered with a competitor decoder brand, such as ESU instead of TCS?
sbaker - 04-17-2021 07:10
Missed answer to motor for MINITRIX ENGINE do myou sale parts
- 04-17-2021 07:10
sbaker, we recommend going to minitrix for their parts.
smalltimecruiser100 - 04-17-2021 07:11
Missed answer about my asking about insulated rail joiners
B Kolya - 04-17-2021 07:11
Does Bachman Have plans to Create trains that are in other Hollywood movies such as Madagascar, Night at the Museum, Indiana Jones, The Lone Ranger, The Disney Movie Cars, Harry Potter, Back to the Future, Toy Story, Toy Story Three etc as either train sets or individual trains?
- 04-17-2021 07:12
**B Kolya** we have no plans for those at this time.
B Kolya - 04-17-2021 07:13
Alos, on the more european side, The movies, Hugo and "The Rail Children" and Tomorrow Land?
NS6770Fan - 04-17-2021 07:13
Any consideration for a new release of the GE E33/44 locomotives? It has been quite some time since these were done, would be cool to see them with sound and such
sbaker - 04-17-2021 07:13
Do yiu have a contact to Minitix I've tied to find them on line with no luck
- 04-17-2021 07:14
**sbaker** https://www.trix.de/en/
- 04-17-2021 07:15
**NS6770Fan** anything is possible, but we don't have specific plans for them at this moment.
smalltimecruiser100 - 04-17-2021 07:17
Regarding bachmann ez track, can other manufactures engines run on ez track
- 04-17-2021 07:18
**Welcome to Bachmann's WGH Online booth!** Be sure to check out our various pre-recorded videos showing our product lineup, sets, and how to set up a layout.
Kurt - 04-17-2021 07:19
Any plans for HO CNW streamlined or heavyweight passenger cars or trainsets?
- 04-17-2021 07:21
**Where's everyone joining us from today?** Share with us in the chat below.
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 07:22
I wonder, would you guys ever consider doing models of the Mount Washington Cog Railway? Probably in HO scale.
- 04-17-2021 07:28
Any questions for us? Drop them in the chat right here!
Dan Miller - 04-17-2021 07:28
With your DCC controller, how does the switch to locomotive ratio work?
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 07:28
When is Bachmann going to make a dcc version of the Thomas line?
Dan Miller - 04-17-2021 07:30
- 04-17-2021 07:30
**CRSR2021** We're expanding into DCC with some T&F items, starting with Thomas and Percy coming down the line. We don't have an estimated arrival date on those right now
Ron Scott - 04-17-2021 07:31
Will the new Large Scale 4-6-0 Engine be coming out in the White Pass road name?
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 07:32
I love the Hiro 2-8-2 from Thomas. I would love to see him in Bachmann
Dan Miller - 04-17-2021 07:32
I’m new and trying to plan my track layout. It I would like to make a yard layout with say 5 switches can I still control 8 locomotives or does the number of locomotives decrease when the number of switches reaches a certain point?
Kurt - 04-17-2021 07:33
I missed your response to my question on CNW cars, sorry.
- 04-17-2021 07:34
**Kurt** No specific plans for CNW right now.
Bremner - 04-17-2021 07:34
Any chance on updated shells for N Scale 0-6-0's to match the details of the locomotives that were released after 2003?
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:34
Is the DCC unit available for the first run of the N-Scale USRA 4-8-2 and how do I break into the tender to install it?
Dan Miller - 04-17-2021 07:36
Perfect. Thanks. I was getting a little confused but that helps a lot!
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 07:36
Is the Hickens oil tender still being produced?
Bremner - 04-17-2021 07:39
What I meant is the current 0-6-0 details are horrible. The mechanism is much improved. The new steam locos since the Baldwin 2-8-0 have great details. Are you planning on making the 0-6-0 look better?
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:39
The part number is 81665 for the 4-8-2
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 07:41
The hickens oil tender says Southern Pacific white lettering on black body, 6-axle trucks, dcc ready board
- 04-17-2021 07:42
**CRSR2021** we don't currently offer that
Sam Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:45
How about for the Thomas Line in HO there is Murdoch w/ moving eyes, for non-rail characters there is Trevor & Bulgy.
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 07:45
i think this is the item number: 77047-00a01
- 04-17-2021 07:46
**If you're just joining us, welcome!** We're currently going over some products for the next 15 minutes until we take another break. Submit your questions here!
Sam Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:51
For HO future Thomas non-rail characters there's Jack & Alfie.
- 04-17-2021 07:53
_Now accepting last-minute questions._ Our current session ends at 4:00 p.m. ET (in about seven minutes). Submit your last-minute questions! We will return at 4:30 p.m. ET.
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 07:59
I wonder, in the future, will Bachmann offer sets with the narrow gauge Thomas and Friends models, and some of the matching rolling stock?
trainman - 04-17-2021 08:10
how do you download the train photos from the show? It says free photos but when you go there it is not clear how to download. I tried to click on the pics, but that doesnt do anything. I am sure other train people would also like the info. thanks
B Kolya - 04-17-2021 08:16
Ok Sounds no worries, sounds good thank you very much for answering my questions
- 04-17-2021 08:27
**Welcome to Bachmann's booth at the WGH Online show!** We will begin our final session in a few short minutes. Start submitting your questions here!
mike - 04-17-2021 08:29
Video shows a powered rerailer...How much does that cost &where is it available?
- 04-17-2021 08:32
**mike** What scale are you interested in?
Aiden - 04-17-2021 08:33
do u have any NJ transit trains to show?
mike - 04-17-2021 08:33
- 04-17-2021 08:33
**Mike** here is the link to our HO scale powered railer. https://shop.bachmanntrains.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=258_272&products_id=6776
JB - 04-17-2021 08:34
Hi, what is the status of EZ-App, will there be new locomotives coming out?
Skylark81 - 04-17-2021 08:35
Good afternoon is Bachman going to to make anymore parts for the spectrum line of ge44/70 toners needing the motorized chassis
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 08:35
I wonder, in the future, will Bachmann offer sets with the narrow gauge Thomas and Friends models?
- 04-17-2021 08:35
**PlaybyPlay** No plans to do that at this time.
trainman - 04-17-2021 08:35
still waiting on how to download the free screen savers you clain that you can download
mike - 04-17-2021 08:36
can you double check that link..I cannot find it or a item # would be appropriate?
- 04-17-2021 08:36
**trainman** on the Bachmann website?
- 04-17-2021 08:37
**mike** Check out Item No. 39025 on shop.bachmanntrains.com. The link may have been cut off
trainman - 04-17-2021 08:38
sorry the downloads are on your website
trainman - 04-17-2021 08:38
why everything is admin pending
Larry Harrington - Bachmann - 04-17-2021 08:39
- 04-17-2021 08:39
On the menu, click the appropriate image size underneath each image. Then you can right click and save.
- 04-17-2021 08:39
^^ **trainman**
Skylark81 - 04-17-2021 08:39
So you guys currently have or plan on making anything in the frisco line
mike - 04-17-2021 08:41
Had to return all 4 turnouts
mike - 04-17-2021 08:43
What happened to my ?
mike - 04-17-2021 08:43
who is "admin" ?
MTGEGAL - 04-17-2021 08:43
When will the G scale Dash 9 be available ?
Joe - 04-17-2021 08:43
The tour was good.
- 04-17-2021 08:44
**mike** please email service@bachmanntrains.com with all customer service issues
Skylark81 - 04-17-2021 08:44
Does Bachman make a wide nose gp40-2w
mike - 04-17-2021 08:44
its not a cs issue...just want an opinion..please return my ?
- 04-17-2021 08:46
**parts** parts@bachmanntrains.com; **customer service** service@bachmanntrains.com; **webstore orders** webstore@bachmanntrains.com
Bristol 78 - 04-17-2021 08:47
At a couple of different spots my engine slows down would I benefit need to go with Power booster power pack? I'm running a fairly large layout with the basic power pack
Tom - 04-17-2021 08:47
Hi Larry. I'm sorry for these very basic questions, but when I was younger, the track that changed the path of the train was called a switch. Is that what it is called now or is it "a turnout"? And, when you buy the Thunderchief, for example, with the Bachmann track extender kit, do you purchase those special tracks separately and does the DCC control those too?
mike - 04-17-2021 08:49
old school - switch....new school - turnout
BnDTrainRepair.com - 04-17-2021 08:49
Hello Everyone !!
Tom - 04-17-2021 08:51
Thank you Larry and Mike!
mike - 04-17-2021 08:51
will that little box work w/the powercab?
Bristol 78 - 04-17-2021 08:55
What is the purpose of the 5 AMP Power Booster power pack or where is it best to utilize this to a layout
railfan4459 - 04-17-2021 08:56
are you still producing O/S Plasticville building?
railfan4459 - 04-17-2021 08:56
nick - 04-17-2021 08:56
do you have plans for Metra things (metra is a rail comp. in il)
mike - 04-17-2021 08:57
powercab..made by NCE
- 04-17-2021 08:58
**Welcome to Bachmann's WGH Online booth!** Be sure to check out our selection of pre-recorded videos. At the top of our page, Larry Harrington is answering your questions while Dave Melville walks us through a few of our newest arrivals.
nick - 04-17-2021 08:58
railfan4459 - 04-17-2021 08:58
- 04-17-2021 09:02
**What questions do you have for us?** Submit them here!
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:03
Thanks Bachmann for great info today!
nick - 04-17-2021 09:04
is there a e5
Tom - 04-17-2021 09:05
Larry, I hope this isn't boring to other people, but once I start out and it is going to be with Thunderchief + Extender Track Pack + DCC, what are the top things that a beginner makes for mistakes that I should make sure not to do? Just top of mind would be really helpful!
- 04-17-2021 09:05
**If you think of a question after our session ends today,** send an email to info@bachmanntrains.com. We will make sure the appropriate person receives your message!
railfan4459 - 04-17-2021 09:07
thanks Larry, need to head to next booth
railfan4459 - 04-17-2021 09:08
Thanks Larry, heading to next booth...... 😊
Tom - 04-17-2021 09:08
Virtual format is great because we can't have it in person. Been on since Noon ET--great thanks for doing it!
nick - 04-17-2021 09:09
What sd locos do you have
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 09:09
Will there be a possibility of an HO scale Polar Express set?
- 04-17-2021 09:10
**PlaybyPlay225** We have no specific plans for that set at this time. I'll be sure to pass that idea along. Thanks!
nick - 04-17-2021 09:12
how many books do you have and what years
Joe - 04-17-2021 09:13
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:14
Trevor, this is Doug. Should I send Larry a softball question or two, or leave him alone.
- 04-17-2021 09:15
**Doug** throw as many softballs as you can!
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:16
Didn’t think that would pass through the admin!1
- 04-17-2021 09:16
**Doug** Maybe I'm too lenient 😎
Lehigh Valley - 04-17-2021 09:17
Can you explain how the track cleaning cars work?
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:17
Larry, what’s your favorite new product for 2021?
nick - 04-17-2021 09:21
i love trains
nick - 04-17-2021 09:21
is this every year
- 04-17-2021 09:23
**nick** The WGH show happens every year. This is the first time it is all online.
- 04-17-2021 09:24
_Continue to submit your questions!_ Dave Melville will be taking over for answering your questions in a few short minutes.
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:25
I recall the exploded view diagram Bachmann showed in a catalog for the number of separate parts required for steam loco. Well over 150. Lots of work!
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:28
Thanks, Larry!
- 04-17-2021 09:30
**If you're just joining us, welcome!** Take some time to check out the pre-recorded videos in our booth. At the top of the screen, Dave Melville and Larry Harrington are live answering your questions and showing off some of our newest arrivals.
Joe - 04-17-2021 09:30
Tom - 04-17-2021 09:30
This was great! Thanks, Larry!
- 04-17-2021 09:31
**Thank you for your patience as we swap presenters.** Dave Melville will be hopping on to answer your questions in just a moment.
nick - 04-17-2021 09:33
what is the best selling train
- 04-17-2021 09:34
**If you're just joining us, welcome!** Take some time to check out the pre-recorded videos in our booth. At the top of the screen, Dave Melville and Larry Harrington are live answering your questions and showing off some of our newest arrivals.
Randy - 04-17-2021 09:36
Any plans to offer a diner in the N-scale smooth side and corrugated side side passenger cars? We really need these to put together a complete train.
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 09:36
I wonder, continuing from my suggestion earlier, if you guys do the G-scale Narrow Gauge Thomas and Friends models, would they be 2-rail or 3-rail, or will there be a conversion kit or something included in with the locomotives? Just wondering, since most overseas countries use 2-rail O gauge, and the US mostly uses 3-rail.
- 04-17-2021 09:37
**PlaybyPlay225** We cannot speculate as we have no plans for these items. Stay tuned for what is coming to our lineup!
Randy - 04-17-2021 09:37
Still missing a diner.
- 04-17-2021 09:38
**We're always accepting product suggestions** at info@bachmanntrains.com
- 04-17-2021 09:42
**Follow Bachmann Trains on social media!** The best way to stay on top of new product releases is to follow us! Facebook/Twitter/Instagram @bachmanntrains.
wawa111 - 04-17-2021 09:44
Any chance you guys will make Frisco 1630 again and more prodotypicly
- 04-17-2021 09:47
**wawa111** We currently offer Frisco 1624 in HO scale.
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:49
Dave, What’s your favorite new product for 2021?
- 04-17-2021 09:49
**What's your favorite railroad line? What road name do you want to see in a Bachmann product?**
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 09:53
I’m a fan of all thing Thomas & Friends!
Karichie - 04-17-2021 09:54
I have an HO train set that I haven't had set up since I had kids (13 years). It has about 4 diesel engines and 1 steam. I ran it on DCC. I want to eventually set it back up again. What would you suggest when starting it back up? What types of changes could I expect? Sorry if this question seems open ended.. 😆
Karichie - 04-17-2021 09:59
It was since I had kids 13 years ago.
Karichie - 04-17-2021 10:01
I am 43 now.
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 10:02
Do you have E-Z Track setups for a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood?
Tom - 04-17-2021 10:02
As a beginner I am planning to buy the Thunderchief + Bachmann track extender package + DCC. What are some of the things beginners make as mistakes that I should make sure I don't do?
Joe - 04-17-2021 10:04
Karichie - 04-17-2021 10:04
Does Bachmann have any good turntables? I was looking into a good one before I put mine away this years ago.
Tom - 04-17-2021 10:07
Thank you!
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 10:08
I wonder, for the Peter Sam model, how will the funnel be done? Will it be the cgi funnel, the square model series one, just the regular round one, or will it be interchangeable?
- 04-17-2021 10:08
**PlaybyPlay225** We have no info on Peter Sam right now. We will announce information and photos as soon as we do.
PlaybyPlay225 - 04-17-2021 10:09
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 10:11
I saw a product in the catalog for power railing help. How does that work
- 04-17-2021 10:14
**We have about 15 minutes until our session will begin to wrap up.** Start preparing your last-minute questions! If you think of anything after our show ends tonight, shoot us an email at info@bachmanntrains.com
Sam Smetko - 04-17-2021 10:15
Haven't seen a photo of Daisy yet for Thomas & Friends.
- 04-17-2021 10:15
As a recap, contact the appropriate department for your questions. **Parts?** parts@bachmanntrains.com; **Customer Service?** service@bachmanntrains.com; *Webstore Orders?** webstore@bachmanntrains.com; **General Questions?** info@bachmanntrains.com
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 10:15
What kind of scenery/accessory items do you sell for add-ons?
Tom - 04-17-2021 10:17
When you see layouts that are on a lower level and an upper level, are those all on one system or two systems? Sorry if I'm not asking the question properly. Thank you.
- 04-17-2021 10:20
Follow this link to sign up for our newsletter and stay in touch! https://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/newsletter.php
- 04-17-2021 10:25
**Follow us on our social accounts!** Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @bachmanntrains
Tom - 04-17-2021 10:27
Thanks, Dave! I will look at the videos to see the lower and upper levels!
Doug B. - 04-17-2021 10:28
Thanks for the info, Dave!
- 04-17-2021 10:28
**Thank you all for joining us today. We will begin to wrap up in a few minutes.**
Tom - 04-17-2021 10:29
This was terrific. I watched from 12-6 and learned a lot as a beginner. I am almost completely saved up for the Thunderchief. Thanks!
- 04-17-2021 10:30
Thank you for joining us, Tom! We're glad you enjoyed.
Large Scale Supporter - 04-17-2021 10:30
Thanks for all the info.
Joe - 04-17-2021 10:30
Nybill - 04-17-2021 10:31
Hi, I’m enjoying the show. I actually have quite a few Bachman products. My Q—. Please talk about the many different couplers offered. They don’t seem to be compatible. HO scale Thx for doing this.
nick - 04-17-2021 10:31
thank you every one
pedro - 04-17-2021 10:32
thank you
- 04-17-2021 10:32
Be sure to email info@bachmanntrains.com with your questions!
- 04-17-2021 10:35
We hope you all enjoyed. That's a wrap!
Virtual Booth Tour
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Table of Contents for the Booth Tour Video
0:00 Introductions
0:28 New Items (All Scales)
8:15 Thomas & Friends™
18:17 HO Starter Sets
19:12 HO Scale
24:31 N Scale
31:00 O Scale
36:00 Large Scale
38:49 On30 Scale
42:08 Scenery, accessories, E-Z Track®
Bachmann New Items
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Recording of Live Video Two
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Starter Sets
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Bachmann How To
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Click on catalog below to view