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Chat History
davemiller - 04-17-2021 04:18
I have become a fan of BLI Steam Will you be doing any reruns of you Pennsy Steam, like the M1, K4 , H10 in Paragon 4?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:30
Hi Ken!, I asked you about this a long time ago at a show, but I'm still hoping BLI will produce an HO PRR 4-4-2 E6 Atlantic with the classic Pennsy low-side tender (that tender would also look great behind a 2-8-0 H8 consolidation!). I'm also hoping you re-release the HO Blue Comet pacific with Paragon 4.
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:30
loud and clear
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:32
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:32
yes can hear you
mz5tjw - 04-17-2021 06:33
When will you release a PRR H10 with Paragon 4.
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:34
all messages are requiring admin approval so you probably cannot see them
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:34
Technology is NOT always our friend! LOL
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:36
please tell us about any RE-releases like the K4 and H10 etc
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:42
was it a coincidence that you BMI and Bachman came out the same models K4 streamlines andUSRA steam this year
Wayne Hall - 04-17-2021 06:42
Will you produce your UP Early Challenger in N Scale?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:43
great show -able to attend many booths
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:43
this is disappointing - looks like the same video feed loop, but not interactive (and obviously not live after the 1st time)
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:44
they are different streamlined K4 acifics
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:44
Jack L m - 04-17-2021 06:44
Would anybody please explain what is the difference or advantage to Paragon 4 sound over Paragon 3?
Dave - 04-17-2021 06:44
Actually the PRR had two different K4 streamline schemes - BLI did one, and Bachmann did the other
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:45
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:45
I got the live feed!
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:46
Dave - 04-17-2021 06:46
When will you announce the next PRR steam engine?
Nicholas - 04-17-2021 06:48
With the new Paragon 4, will there be more N Scale steam like a PRR H8 or other mid size steam engine?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:49
can I send back working old locos and have your shop upgrade to Paragon 4?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:54
The N scale releases tell me that the technology is getting smaller - are you ever going to release a 19th century 4-4-0 American in HO scale?
JedTheMaker - 04-17-2021 06:56
+1 to shop upgrade question, and if so - will Paragon 3 Steam Models like the T1 still have steam functionality (as P2 ->P3 upgrades seemed to eliminate that function from what I saw on your site)? And/or will the T1 be rereleased in Paragon 4?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 06:56
maybe a PRR switcher like an 0-4-0 A5 or a PRR 0-6-0 B6 ?
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 06:57
The Paragon4 HO FEF-2/3 is going to be available in Two-Tone Gray w/ Yellow? I know #844 excursion version is.
DougO - 04-17-2021 06:58
How about putting a camera in the front of a locomotive? :)
DougO - 04-17-2021 06:58
Your NP A3 was great, would like to see an NPW3 2-8-2
davemiller - 04-17-2021 06:58
I have BLI Bass speaker is there a way to bring out mid range sounds rather than just the super low sub bass sounds (CV adjustment maybe)
ken allen - 04-17-2021 06:59
I ordered the Santa Fe 4-8-4 a month ago. I think my hobby shop ordered it through Horizon. Your website has said "In Hobby Shops Now" for some time. Have you shipped them out yet, or have they been delayed.
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 06:59
I requested HO PRR 1938 Fleet of Modernism lightweight passenger cars for that streamlined K4 you came out with last summer.
mz5tjw - 04-17-2021 07:00
What do I need to do to see any answers to all the questions so far?
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:01
I know in the past you guys did E3s in Rock Island & Kansas Cit Southern. I hope you do the E3s agian?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:03
I'm am excited to be putting a Broadway Limited Water Tower with sound on the layout I'm building! --- Is Broadway Limited going to release any other similar accessories that add sound or animation?
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:05
JedTheMaker - 04-17-2021 07:05
Any plans on different heavyweight passenger car configurations such as observation, RPO, or dining cars?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 07:07
love my cattle and pig cars How did you record those ?
DougO - 04-17-2021 07:08
I have one of your water towers and it works and sounds great
DougO - 04-17-2021 07:08
Yes, the cattle and pig cars are great too!
JedTheMaker - 04-17-2021 07:10
Speaking of voices - do the Paragon 4 decoders have different/additional voices? I'd imagine newer boards might have more storage capacity. Having listened to several other sound equipped locomotives in HO and O, BLI's are the only ones with what feel like natural voice acting -- most have a kind of "hamming it up" feel that feels like a toy rather than a realistic model. Would be cool to see more variety added. Would love if you made some more layout items as I've enjoyed the water tower as well.
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:11
I understand the market demand dictates what you release, but I like the earlier pre-WWII era that has 40' cars. any chance you could release a 'kit' to add the animal sound so shorter/older rolling stock?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 07:12
When kids visit my lay out they love the BLI action and sound (Thunder/ pigs/ cattle and water tower). collector items
DougO - 04-17-2021 07:12
Heavyweight passenger cars would be a great addition with lighting please!
Doug - 04-17-2021 07:13
Any upcoming N scale PRR steam locos?
JedTheMaker - 04-17-2021 07:14
(reposting - might have gotten stuck the first time) Speaking of sound/voices - do the Paragon 4 decoders have different/additional voices? Having listened to several other sound equipped locomotives in HO and O, BLI's are the only ones with what feel like natural voice acting -- most have a kind of "hamming it up" feel that feels like a toy rather than a realistic model. Would be cool to see more variety added. Would love if you made some more layout items as I've enjoyed the water tower as well.
Doug - 04-17-2021 07:14
First choice would be I1 decapod
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:15
Thanks for pursuing the sound 'kit' idea. My problem is that the 'Circle Keystone' logo is too modern for me. I refer the 'Early Lettering' style that Bowser offers. Maybe I just need to start painting /decalling BLI rolling stock. But you guys have totally spoiled us all with your ready to run products!
Lloyd - 04-17-2021 07:16
Does BLI make or have plans to make any PCC trolly cars?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:17
I'll repost too (you may have answered and I wasn't logged in yet) - hoping for a PRR 4-4-2 E6 Atlantic with the low side tender.
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:19
AWESOME!!! I want one with early lettering and I know they ran them into the 1950's on the NY&Long Branch
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:20
so I will want several!
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:21
and they pulled those P70 passenger cars just like the K4s
Lloyd - 04-17-2021 07:23
Any answer on the trolly question?
davemiller - 04-17-2021 07:24
Thank you for your fun videos and to BLI for their quality and detailed products and reasonable prices
Lloyd - 04-17-2021 07:25
OK thanks....
Doug - 04-17-2021 07:26
What about PRR PB70 combine in N & HO to go with the P70s?
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:26
any USRA switchers coming out in the next few years? Specifically Central of NJ
Eric L. - 04-17-2021 07:27
yes. thanks for spending time with us!
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:28
Doug - 04-17-2021 07:29
T to ws
- 04-17-2021 07:46
Hi Ken, Bob! Good luck today! :)
Ted Bertiger - 04-17-2021 08:40
Hello Bob, long time no see. Retired now for 5 years. Regards, Ted Bertiger
Ted Bertiger - 04-17-2021 08:41
I am still into O gauge TMCC trains with a very large collection.
Ken and Bob
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2021 Virtual Train Show
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner