Welcome to the Caboose Industries Booth
Recording of Live Video
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Chat History
Frank WGH - 04-16-2021 08:09
This is a test comment
- 04-16-2021 08:10
so far so good
dave - 04-17-2021 12:14
hi steve
- 04-17-2021 12:39
Thank you
dave - 04-17-2021 12:40
Have a good night - good bye. 😀
dave - 04-17-2021 01:02
dave - 04-17-2021 01:03
Steve I did a little research and there is a simple next to the record button on the live stream red record button to switch cameras. In my previous text there is an article that shows the button. Hope this helps...
dave - 04-17-2021 01:04
It should have said symbol next to the record button, darn autocorrect. 😜
BnDTrainRepair.com - 04-17-2021 04:19
Good Morning Everyone
DonH - 04-17-2021 04:20
You're showing up fine on the show webpage - audio and video
DonH - 04-17-2021 04:23
Are you open for a question yet? I'm switching from HO to N (using Atlas Code 55 turnouts) - do you have any recommendations for N scale installation that's different from what worked in HO?
DonH - 04-17-2021 04:30
Thanks - good to hear - I've actually used a wire U a lot with HO too! And looking forward to seeing you at a show in person again!
Curtis - 04-17-2021 04:41
I see you make different stands. Since I already purchased 40 of your spring loaded for my O gauge and have them installed can I still change the stands or do I need to buy new?
Curtis - 04-17-2021 04:43
On the second from the left front row you have signal stands mounted to the throws.
Curtis - 04-17-2021 04:45
Thank You I was not aware it was simply HO Only.
Curtis - 04-17-2021 04:46
I Love the ones I have and highly recommend them to anyone with O Gauge!
Dave - 04-17-2021 04:55
Steve you are doing a great job!!!
- 04-17-2021 06:07
Be back soon.
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:27
Caboose Industries ground throws are the bees knees. I've been using them on my layouts since 2001. 20 years of a great product.
- 04-17-2021 06:29
Thank you for the compliment!!!!
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:30
I visited your booth at the last train show in St. Paul River Center a little over a year ago. I believe it was you that was there and your daughter was constructing grown throws in the booth as I watched.
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:31
oh ok my mistake!
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:32
Very nice. I wish her the best!
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:33
I look forward to seeing you both at a show when we can get together again after the pandemic. I got my 1st vaccine and the 2nd one coming soon.
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:35
Maybe a dumb question but I honestly don't know the answer. Has the pandemic impacted your business?
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:39
Well you have an amazing operation. From an outsiders perspective seeing your product in use everywhere and on LHS store shelves, Caboose Industries appears to be an enterprise operation. Great product and I wish you all the best now and into the future. I have to run to get my son baseball cleats. Take care!
jasonboche - 04-17-2021 06:41
I sure will!
HO Scale Switching Module - 04-17-2021 07:07
Last time I was there I wanted to buy some, but didn't have a layout yet. Going to check into them again now that I have a switching layout going
HO Scale Switching Module - 04-17-2021 07:09
Atlas code 83 customline switches mostly
HO Scale Switching Module - 04-17-2021 07:09
HO Scale Switching Module - 04-17-2021 07:14
Yes great start to understand how to go about this
Rob b - 04-17-2021 07:21
Hi Steve nice to see you again.
Rob b - 04-17-2021 07:22
fine, morning sickness constant but all is good.
Rob b - 04-17-2021 07:22
I am sure you can, I will call
Rob b - 04-17-2021 07:23
you later. Have fun time!
Ashton - 04-17-2021 07:26
What is the most unique type of switch that you have made?
Jim K - 04-17-2021 07:44
One comment = great product line! Keep on keeping on.
Bitz - 04-17-2021 07:55
Hi, i don't have any questions but i love your products. Thank you!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:19
Hi THere.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:19
Are your products also controllable via remote, or just on site?
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:19
Hi there!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:20
Just sent you one!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:20
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:21
A question.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:21
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:21
Thank you.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:22
Yes. THe delay is weird.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:22
So, once again -- your turnouts are manual, but far more reliable and more realistic? Yes?
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:25
Thank you. I am just starting a new layout after about a 15 year hiatus, so I will look forward to considering your products. I'm doing HO.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:27
Well, thanks very much! I look forward to seeing your stuff at a hobby shop -- in person!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:28
Code 83. Maybe Walthers. Haven't "restarted" the layout. Just gathering my thoughts now.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:29
I'm up for any suggestions and opinions. It will be a freelance.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:31
Yes -- I really look forward to touching and feeling in person! How great! 😀
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:31
Me too!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:33
Just moving back to Chicagoland, my hometown. BUt Chicago (and Elmhurst) is a hotbed of MRR. I'm going to wander off. Hope to meet you in person sometime. THanks for the info, and good luck!
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:33
I shouldn't have any trouble. I know the Elmhurst IL Model RR Club seems to still be in biz.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:34
They were above Al's Hobby shop, a famous place in MRR.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:34
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:34
Out Rt. 20 Lake Street?
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:34
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:35
Yes, Lake STreet!.. Good Luck.
Ed V - 04-17-2021 09:35
Adios for now!
drgw91 - 04-17-2021 09:50
What’s the best switch throw for HON3 micro mark switches?
drgw91 - 04-17-2021 09:50
micro engineering my apologies
drgw91 - 04-17-2021 09:54
Thank you!
drgw91 - 04-17-2021 09:54
yes it does! I appreciate it!
Bob H - 04-17-2021 10:46
Sorry I have to type I'm slow. Thank you
Bob H - 04-17-2021 10:50
I'm kinda of new to model trains. I'm using N gauge and just looking around the show and getting web sites.
Bob H - 04-17-2021 10:54
Thank you for your time.
- 04-17-2021 10:58
Thank you for all that stopped by. Happy modeling!
Intro to Caboose Industries
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Sprung vs Rigid
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner