Welcome to the Interaction Hobbies Booth
Recording of Live Video One
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Recording of Live Video Two
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Recording of Live Video Three
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Chat History
04-17-2021 04:24
Hi Darryl here. Welcome to the Interaction Hobbies Booth. Got a question please ask away!
- 04-17-2021 05:07
Just working away at a new kit design.
Joanna - 04-17-2021 05:08
What kit are you working on?
- 04-17-2021 06:01
taking a stretch break for a few minutes
- 04-17-2021 06:36
Yes, we design everything in 3D CAD so that it all first together perfectly the first time we build the actual kit.
jniphone - 04-17-2021 06:43
In the "building our stuff video" around 3:18, what is the light-up tool? A glue dispenser?
- 04-17-2021 06:44
Hi there, that is a UV light activated glue. It is called Bondic
jniphone - 04-17-2021 06:44
Ah...got it
- 04-17-2021 06:47
It is great stuff. You can get it at Home Depot etc. The glue does not cure unless you hit it with UV light. The glue kit comes with the glue, applicator and UV LED light source.
jniphone - 04-17-2021 06:48
Thanks - I will try it out!
- 04-17-2021 07:22
Laser Vision: This is a live feed of our kit production.
- 04-17-2021 07:31
This is our new Epilog Fusion Edge in action live. It compliments our Epilog Helix in production of our kits.
Jim K - 04-17-2021 07:34
Where can one get the glue applicator I see used in the video? Thank you.
- 04-17-2021 07:40
If you mean the needle point applicators. We get those on Amazon and at places like Michaels. If you go to Amazon and type "craft glue applicator bottle" it should get you a bunch of options.
- 04-17-2021 07:55
The live stream is showing more of our HO scale Closed Cab Model T truck kits being produced today.
hectorturner66 - 04-17-2021 07:56
I was just coming on to ask about the glue applicator. Saw your response. Thanks
- 04-17-2021 07:57
Hey Hector, those "Crafters" have some pretty good tools that we can use in the model railroad world.
hectorturner66 - 04-17-2021 07:59
For sure. And the beauty/makeup aisle for tweezers, sponges and file cards!
- 04-17-2021 08:35
We are going to be talking about some of our kits in about 15 minutes... stay tuned!
- 04-17-2021 08:39
If you see us in Chat. Please let us know what part of the planet you are in. It is nice to know where people are joining us from.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 08:44
Dave Griffith
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 08:44
Lewisville TX burb of Dallas
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 08:48
Your kit are very nice, I'm impressed. I have not seen your stuff before. I have a HO/HOn3 logging layout.
- 04-17-2021 08:49
Good to hear. Going to show off a few of our kits soon if I can get the camera figured.
- 04-17-2021 08:51
You can can download our instructions off the website as well if you want to see our stuff in action before you buy. There is an "Instructions" tab at the top of the webpage.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 08:52
I really like Keeger's Garage.
- 04-17-2021 09:11
Having webcam problems out here today sorry about that. We can still share screen ad show you anything you would like to see or chat about.
- 04-17-2021 09:47
Cant seem to make any noise on the mike
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 09:48
Do you ever offer your kit at a sale price?
- 04-17-2021 09:48
We have a 10% discount today for online orders at www.interactionhobbies.com
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 09:50
Great, Is it automatic or do I need a promo code?
- 04-17-2021 09:51
No code needed. It is automatic for today on everything on our site.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 09:53
You mentioned using the LED strip lighting in your kit instruction. You you have any hints in using them or another instruction sheet? OI have always used the single LED lights and wired them in series or multiples.
- 04-17-2021 09:55
The LED Strip light comes with a wiring diagram. Let me see if I can bring up a picture.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 09:56
I have previously bought a roll of them but just never used them. Do you have to wire them in series of 4 so as not to use a capacitor?
- 04-17-2021 09:58
Every 3 leds have a cut point on the strip. Ususally with 2 little solder pads that you solder your wire to.
- 04-17-2021 09:59
There is a resister that you need to leave on the strip.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 10:01
OK thanks. I will try them. I had sued the single LED and put shaded on them but I was scratch building and the roofs were removable. Just using the LED strips will be so much faster if I do not make full interiors. I go order the kit. Thanks again.
- 04-17-2021 10:02
For the lake Cabin we use prewired Micro LED's that have the Resistor inline to make it ready for 9VDC to 14VDC.
Davegriffith41 - 04-17-2021 10:02
Have you thought of going to the Narrow Gauge Shoe in Seattle/Tacoma in 2022
- 04-17-2021 10:03
Our plan is to definitely be at NGC in Seattle next year. Always a great show. North Carolina was a bit too far for us to travel this year.
Building Our Stuff!
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Craftsman Structures Kits, Vehicles and Details
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner