Welcome to the Walthers Booth
Recording of Live Video One
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Recording of Live Video Two
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Recording of Live Video Three
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Chat History
NickSeman - 04-17-2021 06:46
I apologize if this has been covered - Will we see a new "name train" announcement this year?
NS6770Fan - 04-17-2021 06:49
Are the ATSF Office Cars still set to be released at the original ETA's?
NickSeman - 04-17-2021 06:49
Thank you !
Kurt - 04-17-2021 06:50
Any plans for HO CNW streamlined or heavyweight passenger trainsets or cars?
Kurt - 04-17-2021 06:51
That's now a suggestion!
ted f - 04-17-2021 06:52
When will the Special PCHS GP9 ship?
joe - 04-17-2021 06:55
I apologize, I apparently missed your answer about the Mil. Road dome car shipping.
Kurt - 04-17-2021 06:55
ted f - 04-17-2021 06:56
Union RR switcher missing ice cooler
- 04-17-2021 06:57
Ted, do you have a question so that we can better help you?
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:01
Union RR had large ice coolers permanently mounted on the rear step area under the cab. Standard equipment on all locos as was a large ice machine near the office. White with a red top.
- 04-17-2021 07:02
Thank you for that insight. I will be sure to pass it along to our product designers.
Ashton - 04-17-2021 07:07
I have two old life like 0-4-0 dockside locomotives, do you know where I could get replacement gear for the axel?
- 04-17-2021 07:09
Ashton - custserv@walthers.com
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:09
Tell Ashton to check with North West Short Line. List dozens of gears.
- 04-17-2021 07:10
Thanks Ted, great suggestion!
- 04-17-2021 07:12
Test your knowledge of railroad terms, have some fun, and play along with our team on the "Name That Term" Railroad edition game show. Click on the video.
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:12
I hope the 1956 CB&Q Denver Zephyr is planned for future HO name trains?
rdcollins - 04-17-2021 07:12
I purchased a 90' Walters motorized turntable. If I want to turn the train around it shorts out, so will a reversing module work? Can you recommend one?
- 04-17-2021 07:14
rdcollins: I would recommend contacting our technical support by writing an email to custserv@walthers.com. They will be more than happy to walk you through your options.
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:14
Like the EsPee F unit ice breakers. The one shown has the second position as they were turned forward but kept dropping Icicles on the windshields. So they were remounted 180 degrees turned. EsPee also used dynamite in the tunnels to remove ice from the rails and ceilings. Already checked out the game show. For trains put in vote for the North Cost Limited. Maybe something shorter lie Kato did with C&NW 400's.
- 04-17-2021 07:15
Samuel: Name Trains are always a secret until they are announced. Sorry, but I can't say. :)
- 04-17-2021 07:15
Ted: Thanks and noted. :)
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:17
Tell the product development team about the HO Loewy Two-Tone Green North Coast Limited name train suggestion. I know you did names trains like Santa Fe, UP, Milwaukee Road, PRR, B&O, C&O & NYC & the GN in the past.
Samuel Smetko - 04-17-2021 07:18
I know it's a secret now
Matt - 04-17-2021 07:18
can we go see the city area on the backsideof the layout?
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:18
We cannot hear what he is saying over the noise makers in the chochoos. Try hitting option 8
- 04-17-2021 07:19
Thanks Ted, I'll see what we can do
- 04-17-2021 07:25
We're visiting with you from Milwaukee, WI. Interested to hear where everyone's from.
MAXZORIN85 - 04-17-2021 07:30
Any plans on doing more runs of the 6200 Plastic Pellet cars especially road names that work for 1995 and prior?
rdcollins - 04-17-2021 07:32
I'm interested in automating a reversing loop. Any help would be helpful. I've check "You Tube" but they don't give all the components required. Thanks for your help
- 04-17-2021 07:34
Maxzorin85: Sorry but I don't have that information at this time. If you email custserv@walthers.com they might be able to provide a better answer.
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:45
Is there any consideration to doing the steel mill buildings in N-Scale?
- 04-17-2021 07:45
Ted: Great suggestion, I'll forward it on.
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:48
The noise reminds of my club, we have Baldwin coffee grinders, GE popcorn poppers ALCo sewing machines and EMD screaming demons with the chugga-ghugga going in the back ground.
- 04-17-2021 07:49
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:52
Coaling towers are nice, but where do us western guys feed our oil burners?
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:54
The covered bridge would look neater with an overloaded truck falling through the floor.
- 04-17-2021 07:54
We'll be taking a short break at the top of the hour. Test your knowledge of railroad terms, have some fun, and play along with our team on the "Name That Term" Railroad edition game show. Click on the video.
ted f - 04-17-2021 07:56
Did it already. Next question: What does "hot box" mean? What railroad had a rule against standing next to standing cars in the yards? Penn Central really did.
- 04-17-2021 07:57
Does anyone want to answer Ted?
ted f - 04-17-2021 08:02
Hot boxes the packing was either removed or moved around with a box rod as I know personally
cnwdon - 04-17-2021 08:02
A hot box occurs in a friction bearing (not roller) truck, when the brass bearing material and axle steel overheats and sets fire to the oil-soaked cotton "waste" that is in the journal to keep the brass bearing/steel axle surfaces cool.
JML - 04-17-2021 08:50
Hello Walthers, would you all consider producing a loop of Power Loc track without a train or power pack? I'd like to use Power Loc for my layout, but I want to use a different control system. Thank you for your help.
Aiden - 04-17-2021 08:50
can u make the union pacific train run please?
BnDTrainRepair.com - 04-17-2021 08:51
Hello Everyone !!
- 04-17-2021 08:51
JML: I will pass this along to our product development team
- 04-17-2021 08:51
- 04-17-2021 08:53
BnDTrainRepair.com: HELLO!! :)
- 04-17-2021 09:14
Test your knowledge of railroad terms, have some fun, and play along with our team on the "Name That Term" Railroad edition game show. Click on the video.
Nick N - 04-17-2021 09:17
Hey guys, are y'all planning on getting restocked on the awesome Amfleet cars in Walthers Proto, my layout needs more!
Matt - 04-17-2021 09:18
Walthers, why do you not keep discontinued items up on your website like other manufacturers, just not available to buy? It helps when doing research and trying to decide which models to purchase on other sites like ebay.
- 04-17-2021 09:19
Hi Matt. We do! This past week we changed platforms for our website and this feature had to be disabled temporarily. I assure you it will be back soon.
Silas - 04-17-2021 09:23
Will there be another run of 55’ modified trinity tank cars?
- 04-17-2021 09:25
I'm not able to answer that Silas, if you write to custserv@walthers.com, one of our product team members will be able to help you.
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:26
man that dude is loud lol
Silas - 04-17-2021 09:27
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:27
the one in the back ground i mean
Nick N - 04-17-2021 09:27
Hey @Walthers did you see my question about restock the WalthersProto Amfleets? :) Any info you can provide?
- 04-17-2021 09:29
Hi Nick, sorry about that. I am unable to answer that right now. If you contact custserv@walthers.com, they will forward your question to the appropriate product team member who can provide an answer. :)
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:30
o haha i forgot i had a 2nd video open .... my bad
Nick N - 04-17-2021 09:31
Awesome, thanks guys, love the Amtrak product y'all make!
- 04-17-2021 09:31
Thank YOU Nick!
Jeff - 04-17-2021 09:34
Hello Any chance a 30"/32" curved HO code 83 could be considered? Thanks.
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:36
I'm glad to finally see modern day turnouts with a way to power the frogs. its about time! thank you
Jeff - 04-17-2021 09:36
Sorry - curved switch.
- 04-17-2021 09:37
CRSR2021: You're very welcome.
wawa111 - 04-17-2021 09:38
Are there any plans to bring back the metra bilevles
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:38
Is Walthers planning on making northwest coast buildings like union station in Tacoma and others in the region?
- 04-17-2021 09:39
Wawa111 and CRS2021: Sorry but I am unable to comment on product development plans at this time.
- 04-17-2021 09:40
I will pass along your questions to our product team for consideration.
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:43
ok. i like to see a re-release of the Washington DC metro cars with improved powered truck designs. I bought this set in 1990's and the power trucks sucked.
- 04-17-2021 09:45
BnDTrainRepair.com - 04-17-2021 09:46
That n Scale is it on a 4x8 plywood?
- 04-17-2021 09:46
Actually it was made on a flat door!
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:46
thanks. walthers has the best customer service. they helped me alot
- 04-17-2021 09:47
How nice of you to say! I will be sure to pass your compliment along to our customer service team! 😌
ted f - 04-17-2021 09:48
Point of order. It ain't a train without a caboose. Both layouts. Will have to turn you in to the Prototype Police. Now there is a car to go with the JailBox car, a prototype Police car.
Richard J S - 04-17-2021 09:49
Are there any thoughts to incorporate race car sets that would be same scale as HO trains into a large scale scenery.
- 04-17-2021 09:50
Richard that is a very good question and an interesting proposition. We are always evolving and looking for ways to expand the hobby. I will tell you that we are thinking about many different avenues to pursue.
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:51
to note: it was the signing of the STAGGERS ACT of 1980 the spelled the end of the caboose era as it too saw the end of the Rock Island RR
ted f - 04-17-2021 09:53
They have had train race car sets off and on for years. Atlas even still makes structures that went with their road race sets about two centuries ago. There have been several combined sets over the years. Revell and Life Like had them at one time. Could have neat grade crossing accidents.
Richard J S - 04-17-2021 09:53
I have always thought combining the two sets model HO train and race car sets would be fun to build and play for my grand children. Thank you
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:53
do you guys have any tern tables on display
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:55
just look thanks
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 09:55
It be fun if Walthers make some decal signs like, 'speed limit 100mph, right turn only if traffic is come, cat and mouse crossing, lol
- 04-17-2021 09:56
CRSR2021: One never knows! LOL
Willie - 04-17-2021 09:57
nice thanks :-)
- 04-17-2021 09:57
BudgetGuy - 04-17-2021 09:58
Have you ever manufactured or considered a model of the NP Wallace, ID depot?
JML - 04-17-2021 09:58
Can you operate a non-Walthers DCC locomotive with the WiFlyer Set?
hudson763 - 04-17-2021 10:00
What is the Code for 20%off
- 04-17-2021 10:00
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:01
It seems that most ho scale rolling stock and engines are running on 22-inch radius or larger. Is the 18-inch running going extinct in the hobby?
- 04-17-2021 10:08
JML: Thank you for your question!
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:11
Do the doors open on the auto carriers?
Willie - 04-17-2021 10:11
do they have more then one color of the the auto carriers?
BnDTrainRepair.com - 04-17-2021 10:12
That set that you opened what is the price on it?
- 04-17-2021 10:14
Test your knowledge of railroad terms, have some fun, and play along with our team on the "Name That Term" Railroad edition game show. Click on the video.
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:15
This is about the ADM grain elevator. What are the doors that open to nowhere on the building used for?
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:17
Those doors on the tower are to remove and replace machinery. Not used for processing. Those kind of doors are found on places where heavy machinery is used on upper floors.
John K - 04-17-2021 10:22
what is the discount code?
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:22
wow thanks guys and girls!
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:23
K-Line brings if forty foot Reefer Cans, nine to a five well car with the lower middle unit is a power supply built into a can with heavy power outlets on the upper end side.
- 04-17-2021 10:23
John K. Code is WGH20
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:24
Is Walthers making steam engines?
- 04-17-2021 10:24
Not at this time
CRSR2021 - 04-17-2021 10:25
ok. I was asking cause i see all the steam engines on the layout
- 04-17-2021 10:26
We manufacture AND distribute over 200 brands so although we may not make a Walthers branded product, we may sell another brand.
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:26
So where are the street cars?
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:27
Been fun gang. Thanks
- 04-17-2021 10:27
Wow, Dana, you've been on all day! Good work and nice to see the new models coming out.
- 04-17-2021 10:28
Thanks Ted.
- 04-17-2021 10:28
That's David chatting!
- 04-17-2021 10:28
Thank you everyone!
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:29
Street cars on the layout. Bowser Has San Francisco Muni Heritage fleet street cars
Willie - 04-17-2021 10:29
it was fun thanks guys
hudson763 - 04-17-2021 10:30
Code is not working for 20% off
ted f - 04-17-2021 10:30
Tuscan Amtrak has a train show next month. Arizona has no restrictions as of April 5th.
Walthers Build Together
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Walthers Direct Spring 2021
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Name That Term Game Show
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner