Welcome to the WGH Program Booth
Why Model Railroading is the World’s Greatest Hobby
In this video, hosted by television star Michael Gross, learn why many consider model railroading to be the World's Greatest Hobby.
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Building Your First
Model Railroad
In this video, hosted by television star Michael Gross, the World's Greatest Hobby program teaches you how to build your first model railroad. From benchwork to laying track to scenery to building structures, you'll learn everything you need to get started building your first model railroad.
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout part 1
Learn how to build basic frame benchwork for your model railroad
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout part 2
How to build a foam scenery base for a model railroad
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout part 3
How to lay and wire sectional model railroad track
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout part 4
How to add buildings and roads to the model railroad
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout part 5
Add hills and trees to the model railroad scenery
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner
Build a family model
train layout bonus
How to build a plastic model railroad structure kit
To PLAY the video, press the triangle in the lower left corner. VOLUME can be controlled with the 5 blue bars in the lower right corner

World's Greatest Hobby Program
Program Information
WORLD'S GREATEST HOBBY MISSION STATEMENT The World's Greatest Hobby, Inc. (WGH) is a non-profit educational program to promote the enjoyment and benefits of model railroading. The WGH goal is to provide both the information and inspiration to help YOU become a model railroad hobbyist. We invite you to explore this site's resource links, download free content, watch our instructional videos, or visit us at one of our upcoming fun-for-the-family shows, the "World's Greatest Hobby On Tour." We hope to count on you soon as a friend in model railroading, the World's Greatest Hobby
Getting Started In Model Railroading Web PageThis web page has a variety of articles and videos covering the basics of model railroading.
Getting Started In Model Railroading BookletThis downloadable 24 page book provides an introduction to model railroading
Glossary Of Model
Railroad TermsAre you new to the lingo of railroading and model railroading? Check out this handy glossary of some common terms used on model railroads and prototype railroads.
Model Railroading 101Enjoy an introduction to basic model railroading terminology and concepts.
Visit Us On TourThe World's Greatest Hobby on Tour introduces the hobby of model railroading in an entertaining, lively and family-friendly atmosphere.
Even More InformationRead the latest news, press releases and other resources for model railroading.
Guide to Model Railroad ScalesLearn the basics about the most common modeling scales used by model railroaders and the difference between scale and gauge
10 Tips For Beginner
Model RailroadersFind tips for track, layouts, Digital Command Control, resources, standards, and more to help you get started in the model trains hobby